Friday, March 25, 2011

Introducing Software Logistics Free ContactSwap App for Windows Phone 7

My latest addition to the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace was just approved, it’s called ContactSwap and it does just that.

ContactSwap allows you to add information about yourself in the form of a profile, you can even add more then one profile to control the information you give out.  Once you’ve added your profile, you are ready to go.

When you meet someone with Windows Phone 7 that you wish to exchange contacts with, all you need to do is start the app press the swap button and have the other person do the same.  Through the magic of the internet and location services your two phones will make the others contact information available to be saved as a contact on the others phone.  It really is just that simple.  For your security, you can add a 4 digit pin that can be used so only the person you intended on getting the contact can open it.










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